Saturday 27 April 2013

What Are the Different Types of Scaffolding Used For?

Scaffolding is a basic simple structure made up of metal tubes and pipes that is used to provide the support to people and the buildings when they are constructed or repaired. Generally scaffolding is a temporary structure and removed when buildings are prepared. Four types of scaffolding are observed. Let’s discuss each type in detail.
Types of Scaffolding
1.    Basic scaffolding is the first type. In these structure steel tubes, aluminium cross structures, four pads and a platform made up of aluminium is used. To bear heavy loads steel and aluminium is mixed together to form a strong structure. You can move heavy objects from one place to another on these frameworks that are made by using both aluminium and steel at one time.

These frameworks are placed on one another to make a firm structure and multiple levels to shifts the heavy loads upward and downward when it is required. You can use different layers of basic scaffolding in your structure.

2.    The second type of scaffolding is rolling scaffolding. It is almost similar to the above type. But as the name indicates it is designed for some rolling objects. Wheels and guardrails are added in the basic scaffolding. These are lighter and have less capacity to bear loads. Unlike basic type they can’t uplift large load objects. 

3.    Maltose scaffolding is the third type which is used by the people to perform various tasks. It has steel frames and aluminium platforms merge to form a structure. You can use it for simple home tasks like hanging pictures on the walls and for painting purposes. These offers narrow structures that is not as safe as above two types of scaffolding.

4.    A fourth option is the rule and folds one. It is easy to adjust these frames due to easy folding options of the wheel structures. You can use it for transporting items from one place to another in a home and in a building while construction.

1 comment:

  1. This is by far one of the most comprehensive posts I have seen here. Excellent post with great resources!

    Scaffolding Perth
